luni, iunie 28, 2010

Principiul labirintului - fotografii de la vernisaj

Duminica, 27 iunie 2010 a avut loc vernisajul expozitiei PRINCIPIUL LABIRINTULUI, la Biblioteca Centrala Universitara Carol I. Cateva fotografii de la fata locului:

vineri, iunie 25, 2010

Expozitie "Principiul labirintului" - preview

Imaginile pe care le aveam in minte s-au materializat, in sfarsit! Expozitia este aproape gata, vernisajul se apropie.
Fotografii de la instalarea expozitiei sunt mai sus.

miercuri, iunie 16, 2010


Expozitie "Principiul labirintului" - O ratacire a Luciei Dumitrescu prin “Biblioteca Babel” a lui Jorge Luis Borges.
Vernisajul are loc duminica, 27 iunie 2010, ora 17:00 la Biblioteca Centrala Universitara, “Carol I”, Corp Boema, Str. C.A Rosetti nr 2-6, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania

Perioada expozitiei: 27 iunie - 4 iulie 2010

Proiectul propune o experienta culturala, prin intermediul a trei piese, care impreuna, alcatuiesc o “instalatie” sui-generis: expozitie, carte, semn de carte. Fiecare piesa (inclusiv semnul de carte) impinge experienta propusa in trei dimensiuni: dimensiunea literara, dimensiunea filosofica si dimensiunea artistica, toate intr-un act social al ratacirii.

Expozitia: Este o carte-expozitie; o instalatie care-l constientizeaza pe cititor ca taramul cartilor poate fi o lume in sine si ca poate gazdui o viata sau mai multe. Spatiul hexagonal este numai la limita suficient vizionarii si citirii (la un diametru de sase metri al cercului in care se inscrie hexagonul, pentru perceptia asupra unui perete inalt de doi metri patruzci) astfel ca publicul va fi obligat sa se prelinga pe langa pereti pentru a putea citi ceea ce este inscris pe peretii opusi. Desigur, doi sau mai multi vizitatori simultani se vor incomoda reciproc, unul obturandu-i vederea celuilalt. Am convingerea ca, de aceea, ei vor inventa in mod spontan, natural, o regula simpla de vizitare, asteptandu-se unul pe celalalt si ingaduindu-se. Pana la urma aceasta instalatie face apel si cultiva relatia intre oameni generand conotatia civilizatoare a cartilor si indemnand la solidaritate si comunicare. Ce poate fi mai fermecator decati sa faci cunostinta si chiar sa legi prietenii in aceasta imprejurare?

Cartea: Sub forma de imagini ce se insira continuu, cartea este macheta a expozitiei, care la randul ei poate fi desfasurata spatial intr-o prisma hexagonala. In forma ei impaturita pare ca este o carte obisnuita. Dar prima si ultima pagina sunt lipite intre ele, iar indoiturile sunt duble astfel incat poate sta adunata, inghitindu-se pe sine, dar si invers, in forma spatiala, impingandu-si muchiile in afara. Odata luata acasa, cartea are darul sa declanseze din nou experienta din expozitie a cititorului. In aceasta din urma forma cartea functioneaza ca prisma hexagonala, macheta a expozitiei, putand fi asezata pe un raft de biblioteca. O diferenta insa exista, din nevoia de a da acces lesne citirii textului lui Borges: ceea ce in expozitie se gaseste pe peretii interiori, cartea va perezenta pe peretii exteriori, si invers. In forma sa pliata cartea impatureste experienta cititorului din expozitie si o introduce in raftul de biblioteca, intre alte carti , transformandu-l in coautor. De acum incolo, el va fi partas al tuturor cartilor.

Semnul de carte: Pentru ca poate fi folosit la orice carte, extinde experienta traita in expozitie si rememorata de carte la toate cartile existente.

Astfel, actul artistic pe care-l propun sugereaza atat felul in care experienta reala genereaza cartile, cat si felul in care experientele dobandite cultural, prin intermediul cartilor, devin experiente proprii. Un proces de dus-intors, fara sfarsit; el poate fi reluat ori de cate ori dorim. Un joc cultural. Este labirintul cunoasterii in general si al cunoasterii de sine.

O ratacire a Luciei Dumitrescu.

Lucrare de masterat, Universitatea Nationala de Arte Bucuresti, Facultatea de Arte Plastice, sectia grafica, sub coordonarea Prof. Univ. Dr. Zamfir Dumitrescu si Lect. Univ. Dr. Ciprian Paleologu.


The exhibition "The principle of the labyrinth " – a wandering of Lucia Dumitrescu through “The Library of Babel” of Jorge Luis Borges.
The opening will take place on Sunday, June 27th, 2010, 17:00 hours.

The project proposes a cultural experience, by way of three components, which, together, create a sui-generis installation: exhibition, book, bookmark. Every part, (including the bookmark) pushes the proposed experience in three dimensions: the literary, philosophical and artistic dimension, all part of the social action of wandering.

The exhibition: It is an exhibition-book; an installation which wants to make the reader aware that the land of books can be a world unto itself and that it can host a lifetime or several. The hexagonal space is only barely sufficient for viewing and reading (the circle that encompasses the hexagon has a diameter of six meters, and the wall has a height of 2.40 m) so visitors will need to lean against the walls to be able to read the writing on the opposite walls. Of course, more than two visitors at the same time will hinder one another, by obstructing their vision. I am convinced that because of this, they will spontaneously create a simple visiting rule, by waiting on each other and allowing each other to go first. In the end this installation appeals to and encourages human relationships by generating the civilizing meaning of books and inciting solidarity and communication. What could be more charming than getting introduced to new people and maybe even tying friendships in such circumstances?

The book: In the form of pictures which follow one another in an infinite thread, the book is the exhibition’s model, and in turn it can be unfolded into a hexagonal prism. In its folded form it looks like an ordinary book. But the first and last page are stuck together, and they have a double crease intended to keep the book together, swallowing itself, but also the opposite, in spatial form pushing its edges outwards. Once taken home, the book has the gift of helping the reader relive the experience of the exhibition. In this second form, the book operates as a hexagonal prism, a replica of the exhibition, and it can be placed on a bookshelf. But there is a difference, due to the need to make it easy to read the text of Borges: that which is written on the interior walls of the exhibition will be printed on the outside planes of the book, and vice-versa. In its folded form, the book incorporates the experience of the reader at the exhibition and puts it on the book shelf, between other books, turning them into co-authors. From that moment on, the reader will partake of all the books.

The bookmark: since it can be used for any book, it enhances the experience lived inside the exhibition extending it to all existing books.

As a result, the artistic act that I suggest suggests both the way that the real-life generates books, as well as the way that the experiences acquired in a cultural manner through books, become one’s own experiences. A never-ending roundtrip process; it can be resumed as many times as we want. A cultural game. It is the labyrinth of knowledge in general and of self-knowledge.

A wandering by Lucia Dumitrescu.